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Meet Maggie

Maggie Allen was diagnosed with Epilepsy and Developmental Delays at three months old. To control her seizures, Maggie has tried countless medications, diet therapies but she continues to struggle with health issues. Despite these challenges, Maggie's family strived for normalcy in her childhood. Prior to kindergarten, Maggie participated  with her twin in typical activities with a few tweaks. However, her family soon realized that Maggie would benefit from adapted activities with other individuals with disabilities like those available through Easterseals. These modifications have allowed her to make new friends in a specialized environment. "We were looking for a baseball program and found the Challenger program through Easterseals." Today, Maggie is a loving preteen who adores her family and pets. She will need a lifetime of care and support. As she gets older, she will benefit from more of the Easterseals programs. "I had always heard of Easterseals and made donations, but I never really knew the full extent of their programs and services. We feel fortunate to have found Easterseals," said her mom.