What To Pack

Sample Event

Join us on sample date

Our day is filled with lots of fun but messy activities. Please send your camper in clothes that can get dirty as well as shoes that are safe for running and playing. Please plan to send the following items to camp with your campers' name on them: 
  •  A packed lunch unless you are participating in the meal program
  •  Send a change of clothes to keep at camp in case of accidents, spills, etc. 
  •  Diapers/wipes if needed
  •  Sunscreen
  •  Swimsuit/Towel
  •  Water Bottle

**Please label all items brought in**

DO NOT bring/send in toys or other items from home. If these items are brought in, they will be placed in the campers cubby for the day and they can retrieve it at the end of the day before they leave.